So what makes Laughlin an expert? He is after all a physicist not a biologist or a climatologist. And why is Will quoting him? To further his political agenda. And this is what makes him and others like him dangerous. Millions of dollars are poured into organizations, "think tanks" and foundations to put forth propaganda regarding climate change. Oil money flows like gold, money falling from the sky, these infinitely deep pockets pour forth some of their bounty into making sure the price of oil doesn't drop. This money buys great influence and Will along with many others are willing soldiers. There to manipulate the unsuspecting public with their misinformation typically under the guise of bad science for those who can't recognize the good from the bad. And all too often, unfortunately, politics his rolled into the mix. Climate change should not be a political issue. It is not right or left. It is science pure and simple. But with BIG money involved in keeping the status quo politics becomes a needed tool and the undereducated American public the unwitting pawns.

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