Thursday, October 21, 2010

The battle over climate change

One reason for creating this blog was to somehow address the challenge of those who reject climate change. But what else can be done that hasn't already been done to educate people on the reality of climate change? First I think the climate deniers must be identified and then a plan of action developed to combat their beliefs. However I think this will be a steep uphill battle. Almost half (%44) of Americans do not believe in evolution. They reject science. It is clear that science will not reach the majority of Americans who are climate change non-believers it must be by some other means, possibly through religious leaders.

Below is a portion of a poll conducted by the Virginia Commonwealth University. This poll along with others shows that only about one half of Americans believe climate change is a problem that needs to be addressed, obviously that is not enough. I would suggest that for meaningful political action to take place we need over 70% of voters supporting climate change legislation.


"tell me if you believe this represents a major problem, a minor problem or not a problem at all for the country today. Global warming."


Not a
problem at all

% % % %

54 23 19 5


"Which of the following statements comes closest to your view of global warming? Global warming is a proven fact and is mostly caused by emissions from cars and industrial facilities such as power plants and factories. Global warming is a proven fact caused mostly by natural changes that have nothing to do with emissions from cars and industrial facilities. Global warming is a theory that has not yet been proven."


Fact: Cars,
Fact: Natural
An unproven

% % % %

48 16 29 7


The following CNN poll results show that Republicans are far less likely to recognize climate change as a problem that needs to be addressed. This shows that climate change has become a progressive vs conservative issue.


"Which of the following statements comes closest to your view of global warming? Global warming is a proven fact and is mostly caused by emissions from cars and industrial facilities such as power plants and factories. Global warming is a proven fact and is mostly caused by natural changes that have nothing to do with emissions from cars and industrial facilities. Global warming is a theory that has not be been proven." N=523 (Form A), MoE ± 4.5 overall


Fact: Cars,
Fact: Natural
An Unproven

% % % %  

45 23 31 1  

68 18 14    

25 27 47    

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