PVC is the worst plastic from an environmental health perspective, posing great environmental and health hazards in its manufacture, product life and disposal. Toxic manufacturing byproducts include:
Dioxin (the most potent carcinogen known to science), hydrochloric acid and vinyl chloride are unavoidably created in production of PVC and can cause severe health problems:
• CancerIn the U.S., PVC is predominately manufactured near low-income communities in Texas and Louisiana. The toxic impact of pollution from these factories on these communities has made them front line struggles in the environmental justice movement.
• Endometriosis
• Neurological damage
• Immune system damage
• Respiratory problems
• Liver and kidney failure
• Birth defects
Global Impact: DioxinÃs impact doesn't stop there. As a persistent bioaccumulative toxin (PBT), it does not breakdown rapidly and travels around the globe, accumulating in fatty tissue and concentrating as it goes up the food chain. Dioxins from Louisiana manufacturing plants migrate on the winds and concentrate in Great Lakes fish. Dioxins are even found in hazardous concentrations in the tissues of whales and arctic polar bears. The dioxin exposure of the average American already poses a calculated risk of somewhere between 1 in 100 to 1 in 1,000 - thousands of times greater than the usual standard for acceptable risk. Most poignantly, Dioxins concentrate in breast milk to the point that human infants now receive high doses, orders of magnitude greater than those of the average adult.
Lethal Additives: PVC is useless without the addition of a plethora of toxic chemical stabilizers - such as lead and cadmium - and phthalate plasticizers. These leach, flake or outgas from the PVC over time raising risks from asthma to lead poisoning as well as cancer.
Deadly Fire Hazard: PVC poses a great risk in waste incineration and building fires, as it releases deadly gases such as hydrogen chloride long before it ignites. As it burns, it leaves behind toxic dioxin waste.
Can't Be Readily Recycled: The multitudes of additives required to make PVC useful make recycling on any significant scale nearly impossible and interfere with the recycling of other plastics. This led the Association of Post Consumer Plastics Recyclers to declare it a contaminant in 1998.
anti-PVC organization
PVC articles
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